
Via dei Coronari, Rome

Type: intero Appartamenti
Prezzo €2500
A disposizione 13-05-2024
indirizzo Via dei Coronari
proprietà della casa/td> 28 m²
Codice Postale 00186
città Rome

The property is a modern studio on two levels situated in the picturesque Via dei Coronari, one of Rome's charming pedestrian streets. This street is known for its array of small craft shops, antique stores, vintage shops, boutiques, restaurants, and coffee shops. Its central location makes it perfect for short-term rentals and provides easy access to notable landmarks such as Castel Sant'Angelo, Piazza Navona, and Piazza San Pietro, all within walking distance. Via dei Coronari has historical significance dating back to the Middle Ages when it served as a direct route from the stadium of Domitian (Piazza Navona) to the Tiber...

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Via dei Coronari